Friday 1 March 2013


Napoleon of Bridego Bridge takes his final train

"We hated going straight" Bruce Reynolds was one of the most respected criminals of the post-war era, considered the mastermind of the robbery that is remembered as one the iconic events of its time, the ultimate blow at the establishment carried out by men with short hair. His autobiography did much to seal his reputation. I met his son once who liked to compare his father to William Burroughs. At one time they were both fastidiously dressed gringos on the streets of Mexico City but I think it ends there. He was pretty cool though. He had a bearing of authority about him and so he might, this was the Napoleon of Bridego Bridge. Here are some obituaries: The Guardian , the Telegraph, and the The Independent, The Daily Mail

The internet is full of tributes but throws forth some interesting media coverage. Here for example by Jack Harvey, an "expert in electronic surveillance" published by the Algarve Daily News or this feature from The Daily Mirror, 10 things you need to know about the Great Train Robbery. Criminal aristocracy unlikely to be replaced by any shell suited drug dealers.

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